What is Rubenfeld Synergy?
The Rubenfeld Synergy Method® (RSM) is a holistic therapeutic approach, created
by Ilana Rubenfeld in the 1960’s. The uniqueness of this method lies in the
simultaneous use of body-oriented counseling and gentle body-work. This
synthesis addresses both the right and the left brain, which helps increase
awareness of both body and mind, allowing insights to emerge, emotions to be
expressed and healing to occur.
Throughout our lifetime we store stressful memories and suppressed emotions in
our bodies. They act like toxins and affect our health and well-being, showing
up as aches and pains or make us feel chronically tired, emotionally drained or
physically disconnected.
With RSM we can learn to listen to the body and become aware of tensions and holding
patterns. By decoding their messages and honoring the emotions held within the
body we can acknowledge and release what we are holding. We become empowered and
free to change and make improvements in our daily lives and relationships.
About the Founder:
Ilana Rubenfeld, author of “The Listening Hand”, is considered a pioneer
in integrating talk therapy and bodywork. Seeking relief from chronic
debilitating pain, Ilana went to a variety of traditional and alternative
practitioners. As her physical symptoms were addressed, emotions arose which
were difficult to access through talk therapy. From this Ilana recognized the
need for an integrative approach that heals the whole self: body, mind, emotions
and spirit. What Ilana knew intuitively 40 years ago about the mind-body
connection is now being proven and acknowledged through scientific research.
Ilana Rubenfeld is the receiver of the prestigious Pathfinder Award from the
Association for Humanistic Psychology; she is a faculty member at the Omega and
Esalen Institutes and the New York Open Center; and she is a presenter at
numerous conferences throughout the world. The Rubenfeld Synergy Training is a rigorous four-year professional
training that prepares Synergists for a practice based on the principles
of integrated healing. All Certified Rubenfeld Synergists are required
to adhere to the profession's Standards of Practice and Ethical
Principles, which are available at
A typical RSM session
an inward journey in a safe environment. The client is fully clothed, most
often lying on a padded table, but sometimes sitting, standing or moving. In
a state of deep relaxation, which enhances body awareness, the client is
invited to share her/his experiences of body sensations, feelings, and
memories. Together we explore how these might relate to current life issues.
old suppressed feelings are acknowledged and released a sense of calm and
well-being usually follows.
Chronic pain often fades away when long held emotions are released.
Sessions usually last about 50-60 minutes and are scheduled according to the
client’s needs. |